
当前观点:Cape Verde young blogger: Yunnan reminds me of my home

2023-07-03 00:33:41 来源:Ecns.cn

(ECNS) – Before the plane to Shangri-La took off, young blogger Baptista Mircia from Cape Verde was busy recording around with her phone. "You really like to record the moments in your life!" When other team members said this to her, Mircia lowered her phone, and smiled, "I"m very much looking forward to this trip to Yunnan. I always know that the place is like spring all year round, but I just don’t have the chance to be there!"


When asked about the scenic spots she wants to visit, Mircia shouted with laughter, "Valleys, mountains, especially snow mountains! I hope the journey will be great, and I really want to shoot some wonderful photos to share the beauty with my family and friends via the Internet!"

Mircia is among five young bloggers who are on a journey in Shangri-La in Diqing, Yunnan Province. Just as Mircia said, the journey is undoubtedly great, starting with a rainbow welcoming them at Diqing Shangri-La Airport. "Oh, the rainbow really is a fortune sign! We’ll definitely have a good time here," said Mircia.

When visiting Potatso National Park, one of the most symbolic scenic spots in Shangri-La, Mircia said it reminds her of the island where her grandmother lives after seeing the gorgeous and magnificent landscape composing lakes, grasslands, mountains, and livestock. "You can see continuous green mountains, sunshine, and beautiful lakes... It"s very similar to my home, Cape Verde," Mircia explained, "Both places also have similar opinions of ecological conservation, so I think they can communicate their experience in this area. It would be beneficial!"

At the Tiger Leaping Gorge, the second largest gorge in China, she was stunned by the rapid water dashing through two snow mountains. "Wow, what a power of nature!" Mircia exclaimed, "You know what, this place also reminds me of my home! It"s too similar. My grandparents also live in a valley like this back in Cape Verde, but the altitude is much lower. And they plant fruits like mangos and watermelons, living a cozy life."

Mircia watching the magnificent Tiger Leaping Gorge (Photo: China News Service/Li Jingxian)

"Before, I thought most of the Chinese cities are as magnificent as Beijing and Shanghai are, but after I came here, I am just awed by these wonderful natural landscapes," Mircia said, "In the future, I will try to explore more wonders across China!"

Apart from the journey, the delicious Yunnan cuisine and the unique local culture also attracted Mircia. "I don"t eat spicy food pretty often, but I found it so delicious here!" she said, "And I like eating meat, and when I eat the yak meat for the first time, I"m just like "Wow, so amazing"!"

"Oh, I also like the way how local people cook." Mircia kept on, "And I very much like the lifestyle here. People are so relaxing, and the pace is so comforting."

Inundating herself in the magnificent scenery of the Jinsha River roaring past the Gorge, Mircia said she would definitely come here again. "Not only here, but elsewhere in this fantastic land of wonders!" she added.

Mircia in Shangri-La (Photo: China News Service/Li Jingxian)







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